Photo Credit: Long Zheng
You’ve just wrapped up a beautiful day on the water. We know the last thing on your mind is taking care of storing your boat. However, storing your boat is a big decision and there are certain elements of boat storage you may be overlooking.
We’re going to explore the current options you have at your disposal and the positives and negatives of each side. We hope that we can offer you a little guidance on choosing the best option for you and your boat.
On-Water Storage
Storing your boat on the water is one of the best options if you’re looking for ease of use. When you rent a space on the water, you only have to place your boat in the water once a season. However, there are some drawbacks you’ll want to be aware of.
For example, if your boat doesn’t hold a charge very well there’s a good chance your battery could die. When your boat is far away from land this makes it difficult to do any mechanical work on your boat and replace a failing battery.
Often, your boat has less protection from the elements when stored on the water as well. Usually, you’ll have everything locked down on your powerboat, but if the storm is large enough there’s a chance it could end up doing damage to your boat.
Overall, on water storage is a great option if your boat is in perfect mechanical shape, and your looking for the quickest option to store your boat at the end of a long day on the water.
Home Storage
Due to strict parking enforcement laws across Northern Virginia parking your boat at home can be seen as somewhat of a risk. If you have enough storage space on or around your property then storing your boat may be a good, cheap option.
However, if you have to resort to parking your boat on the street you may want to consider other options. The risk of getting a parking ticket is very high in Woodbridge, Fairfax, and Alexandria. Sometimes, it may even be cheaper to pay for a storage spot at a local facility.
Facility Storage
Another great option is to utilize a Woodbridge boat storage facility. Our boat storage facility provides unparalleled protection and unlimited access to your boat.
If your boat requires a charging station we also have a few spots with dedicated charging elements. We also keep the storage areas as clean as possible so your boat will always be in great condition.
Overall, you may perceive a dedicated storage space as the most expensive option, however when you consider everything you’re getting in return it may end up being the best investment.
We love to serve our customers and veterans across Alexandria, Woodbridge, and Springfield, as well as most of Northern Virginia. If boating is your passion you’ll want to make sure you have a storage solution that’s dedicated to keeping your boat safe and secure. Explore our Woodbridge boat storage options or get in touch with our team today.