Photo Credit: GillmanInsurance
Most people think the moving process is over once they’ve loaded everything into boxes. However, for most of us we’re only halfway finished. Whether you’re transporting your goods to a Woodbridge storage unit, or moving the boxes into your new home there are steps you can take to simplify the process.
If you’re tired of getting stressed and overwhelmed when it comes time to unpack, the steps below will get you moving in the right direction.
1. Pack To Unpack
Many of us are so excited to move into our new place that we end up packing haphazardly. Instead of putting everything into boxes in an efficient manner we end up randomly throwing items into boxes and taping them shut.
When you start the packing process remember that each of these boxes is going to have to be unpacked at a certain point as well. Start the process with the end in mind and you’ll make it easier on yourself in the future.
2. Keep Related Items Together
No one wants to unpack the television only to spend hours looking for the power cord or remote. Make sure you group all similar items together in the same box. Moving can be hectic and it’s easy to lose track of small electronic items.
Take extra care in keeping similar items together and you won’t be pulling your hair out later looking for single screw or set of batteries.
3. First Box In Is The Last To Leave
The same idea goes with loading boxes into your moving truck or personal vehicle. Load the boxes in a conscious manner. So, if you need to drop off a round of boxes at your local Woodbridge self-storage unit, then make sure you load these boxes last.
After all, you’d hate to have to unpack your entire car just to reach a small box you accidentally packed away first. A little strategic thinking will save you a lot of future stress.
4. Unpack By Room
Once you’ve made your storage unit stop and are ready to unpack at your new home it can be tempting to want to get everything done at once. However, this will lead to overwhelm very quickly.
The simplest strategy is to take it one room at a time. That way you’ll leave a series of smaller finished projects in your wake and it will be easier to sustain momentum.
5. It’s Not A Race
Lastly, remember it’s up to you to make the process fun. Why don’t you order a pizza and a bottle of wine so you can truly enjoy the process? As much stress as their is during a move it can help to throw some relaxation time into the mix.
We hope the steps above will help you have an enjoyable unpacking and moving experience. If you’re considering using a self-storage service throughout your move consider Gateway Storage. We love serving our customers across the Alexandria, Woodbridge, and Springfield, as well as most of Northern Virginia.