Photo Credit: sensitive-eyes
You’ve just taken your RV out of our Springfield RV Storage facility, and you’re gearing up for your summer road trip. It can be tempting to hit the road as soon as possible, however, you’ll want to make sure your RV is in working order so you can avoid any mishaps on the road.
Taking the time now can reduce a lot of heartache in the future. We’re going to highlight the top things you’ll need to do to make sure your RV is in the best shape possible.
1. Under The Hood Inspection
You’ll need to make sure your engine is running smoothly for any cross the country trip you may be imagining. I’m sure you’ve been in a situation in the past when your RV failed to get you from point A to point B.
Some of the most important elements of your design you’ll want to cover are:
• Checking your fluid levels. This includes oil, transmission, hydraulic and coolant fluids.
• Check your belts, hoses, wiring and engine fans.
• Thoroughly inspect the engine compartment.
• Check the battery charge, and ensure it’s holding a charge.
• Ensure your gauges are running effectively.
• Take a quick five minute run to make sure everything is running smoothly.
• Check your engine for any moisture build up or leaks.
• Make sure all of your lights are operating correctly.
The above steps will help you to get started, however, if anything is beyond your realm of expertise feel free to take your RV to a mechanic.
2. Getting The Outside Nailed Down
You’d hate for their to be any peeling paint, rust or a malfunctioning awning that’s trying to ruin your perfect road trip. Do a thorough inspection of the outside of your vehicle and make note of anything that’s outside of the usual.
If something looks like it may become a problem it’s better to simply invest in taking care of the problem now, rather than having it blow up later.
3. Make Sure The Interior Is Complete
The interior of your RV is going to be your home for your entire trip. You’ll want to make sure it’s not only comfortable, but that everything is also in working order. For instance, you’ll want to check all of your batteries, and bring any extra just in case.
You’ll also want to double-check all of the cabinets and appliances to make sure everything is in working order. You’d hate to take off on your road trip and hear the sounds of things falling of the shelves and cabinets clanging.
I hope you’re now well-versed in the steps you need to take to make sure your RV is literally, ready to roll. When you return from your trip and need a place to store your RV, consider our Springfield RV Storage facility, we serve the Alexandria, Woodbridge or Springfield counties and most other counties within Northern Virginia.